Saturday, July 25, 2009
i'm so in love with volleyball heh :D
maybe because of my team mates also.
felt more bonded as compared to last time already yayyyyy !
and it feels good to play NOT as a setter.
but my results were like shit can.
omgggg. i'm so disappointed.
but i deserved it la..
june holidays kept going out with buddies :/
and qiaohui stayed over at my house last night! first timeeeeeee..
i was very surprised by her politeness. bet my ah ma likes her! haha
so long never meet up with qi, tong, hui and kang.
as well as lingying, cordelia and olivia...
hope i will get to see them really soon!
esp loh lingying.
that girl shi zong already sia.
hope its because of studying for the o's.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
reminded by all the great memories after reading qi's post.
miss those times..
i had been wondering what had been the cause,
that binds us so closely together.
The best times of my life.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

i wont forget 15 july like someone forgot my birthday!
hmpghhh! :P
yay we'll be celebrating on this coming sun.
let's go geylang and eat durian! (AGAIN)
our favourite! yum yum :D
okay la, for this once,
LUAH XINHAO has grown to be macho, hot and manly.
and i didnt know magic (to some people) works.
esp someone who had a high score of 3000+ for the biggest brain game.
spicy hands.
Monday, July 13, 2009


my darlings in SA! heh.

now i know why she simply cant focus whenever she starts to study...

omg. chanel =.=
whats with your expression?!?

wheee! my pw grp (:
finally jane looks natural here and i love her smile !
(haiyo chanel..)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
i got a B for my physics!! (common test only lol)
omg. unbelieveable...
always fail my physics in secondary school, and now!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! so happy ^^
TUTOR! i did you proud! :D

TUTOR is the best! haha.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
that dream... was weird.
how come he's in my dream?
came to scare me?
then you've succeeded. hahahaa.
but it felt so real omg T_T
yay tmr is gugu's birthday!
whee. gonna give her a surprise by appearing at her house with a cake! wahahaha.
and some of my girlfriends (:
and her stupid god-son : chew wei siong.
maybe my buddy also going!
but he is more interested in food ! tsk tsk tsk.
hmmm. can consider to call delivery heh :D
so sad that lingying cannot go (delivery~ HAHA)
i'm so worried about you.
i hope you wont do things to hurt yourself, unknowingly.
because its gonna make me really sad ):
do you know you mean a lot to us too?
please please please, take care of yourself ! (omg tell me how many times i tell you this alr)
i miss the peaceful night, with the lovely kites beautifying the was pretty. and awesome.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Stelle completed the quiz "
Which color best suits your personality?" with the result: You are
You are
Yellow! You are a bright, happy person. You probably like peace and harmony, and just wish that everyone could be as simply joyful as you are. You love to spend time with your friends, and are probably the optimist in the group. Not to say that you're sickeningly happy all the time, you just tend to have a positive outlook on life. You have a bright, pleasant personality that draws people to you. You can light up a whole room! You sometimes get stepped on by reds, not because you can't defend yourself, but because you prefer not to. You just don't want to disrupt the peace. Your friends go to you when they need someone to encourage them or to help them look on the bright side. You can also be very insightful; you have a way of seeing the world differently, more perceptively, than most people. At the same time, however, you can be a little...well, you live in your own little world. Just like
yellow can go with most colors, you can get along with most people - as long as they can stand your optimism! You, in a nutshell: Happy, peace-loving, bright, insightful, optimistic, supportive, loving, compassionate.
OMG, i'm so happy!!!
because i'm yellow :D